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Nursing Profession Is “Too Christian” for Jews


nurseThe almost total lack of Jewish women taking up the nursing profession in general hospitals is due to the “too Christian” nature of the job which requires self-sacrifice and abnegation, a recent article in the Jewish Daily Forward has revealed.

The article, titled “Where Have All the Nurses Gone?” was written by regular Daily Forward columnist Jenna Weissman Joselit, was meant only for Jewish readers, and was prompted after her husband required hospitalization. It was then she noticed the almost complete lack of Jewessess working as nurses.

“Recently, though, following the sudden and unexpected hospitalization of my husband, nurses swam into my consciousness, where they have remained. Nowadays I can’t stop thinking about them: how they do what they do, why they do what they do and, given my ever-present, insistent historical imagination, why nursing as a profession never did catch on among American Jewish women,” she wrote.

“Social work, civic reform, moral uplift, education — Jewish women flocked in large numbers to each of these ventures while remaining aloof from the white uniform and the nurse’s cap,” Joeslit continued, making the point that Jewish Supremacists always see fit to interfere and change Gentile society to suit Jewish demands.

“One can only speculate on why this came to be, especially given the possibilities nursing presented to meet and marry a nice Jewish doctor.

“Was there some kind of tacit cultural assumption that nursing was an inappropriate career choice, too physically demanding, perhaps, or one with too few economic incentives?

“Was it fear of bodily contact, especially between strangers, that rendered it off-limits?

“Some observers have even suggested that given nursing’s relationship to sacrifice and abnegation, it smacked too much of Christianity and therefore was placed beyond the pale of acceptable professions.”

Joselit goes on to point out that the only time that Jewesses actually agree to work as nurses is when they can treat other Jews only.

“The only instance in which nursing struck a responsive chord among American Jewish women was when they had the opportunity to be a part of the American Zionist Medical Unit, which Szold and others founded on the cusp of World War I to tend to the medical needs of those who then called Palestine their home. (Hadassah later became an independent organization with its own nursing school in Jerusalem.)”

This confession that the nursing profession requires too much self sacrifice and is too charitable for Jews, except when it comes to helping other Jews, is merely a reflection of a much deeper-seated hatred of all non-Jews which forms the central core of Judaism and its continually hostile approach to Gentile society.

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